25-Minute Zone II Bodyweight 'Pace & Grace' Workout

This routine will boost your heart rate while refining your coordination, agility, and endurance.

1 min read


25-Minute Zone II Bodyweight 'Pace & Grace' Workout




Are you ready to push your limits and ignite your fitness journey? Say hello to our 25-minute Zone II Bodyweight "Pace & Grace" workout! This routine will boost your heart rate while refining your coordination, agility, and endurance. Get ready to sweat it out and feel the burn as you embark on this dynamic fitness adventure!


Workout Length

25 Minutes

Workout Level



James King III



Warm Up: Let's kick things off with a rejuvenating warm-up session to prepare your body for the challenges ahead. Follow along as we perform:

  1. Arm Circles
  2. Dynamic Hamstring Stretch
  3. High Knees

Main Workout: Now, it's time to dive into the heart of the workout! Each exercise is carefully selected to engage multiple muscle groups and keep your heart pumping. Embrace the intensity as we conquer the following circuit:

  1. Heel Curls
  2. Marching
  3. Punch Combo to Knee Taps
  4. Multi-Directional Punch Out
  5. Ladder Climbs
  6. Under Thigh Claps
  7. 3-Point Shots
  8. Punching Bags

Repeat this circuit for a total of three rounds, pushing yourself to your limits with each repetition. Remember to maintain proper form and focus on controlled movements throughout the workout.

Cool Down: As we near the end of our journey, it's essential to ease your body back into a state of relaxation. Take a moment to cool down with gentle stretches and deep breathing exercises to promote muscle recovery and reduce tension.


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